Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

In pursuit of accountability, restitution and reparation


Accountability, Restitution, Reparation

Restorative Justice is an approach that includes both justice and reconciliation for harms created through crime or relational conflict. Victims, offenders, and community members meet to harness their mutual humanity in pursuit of accountability and shared agreement regarding reparation. Restorative Justice is not simply about making an apology; it is about understanding the motivations of the offender and the effects on the victim. Participation requires strength and courage from both parties to learn about the other and set themselves on a path to move forward in a more positive way.

Cook County MN Restorative Justice is overseen by a volunteer Advisory Committee which includes representation from:

Cook County Sheriff’s Office, Cook County Board of Commissioners, the County Attorney’s Office, Probations, Grand Portage Tribal Council, Grand Portage Health & Human Services, Cook County ISD 166 Schools, the Violence Prevention Center, participant and facilitator advocates and an administration team from the North Shore Health Care Foundation.

The NSHCF adopted the program in January of 2020, to ensure its sustainability to serve this community until it can grow into its own independent nonprofit.
CCMN Restorative Justice Logo


The Cook County Restorative Justice program (CCMNRJ) is driven by a group of community volunteers trained to help victims and offenders find solutions that promote accountability, healing, and reconciliation. We work in partnership with the Cook County Attorney’s Office, Courts and the Cook County Sheriff’s Office.


Trained facilitators guide a process that involves separate meetings with both offenders and victims (and/or their representatives). The process proceeds to a joint meeting that culminates with a formal agreement between the parties. This agreement specifies tangible actions to be accomplished within a defined timeframe. Participation is voluntary and confidential.

  • Victims have a voice in the process and express higher satisfaction with outcomes 
  • Offenders have higher rates of completing community service and restitution, and lower rates of recidivism
  • Early interventions can set a young person’s life on a more constructive path
  • Restorative Justice diversions can be an alternative to court sentencing, saving money for the county 
  • Community volunteerism and interagency collaboration increases community investment and strengthens services

Values In All We Do

We believe in the possibilities of people, organizations, businesses and governments working together to create a healthy community for all in Cook County. Our values represent what we believe in, what we stand for and how we approach everything we do at the North Shore Health Care Foundation. They provide a guideline for making decisions at all levels of our organization and include:

  • Responsible stewardship
  • Collaboration and partnerships
  • Efficient and effective governance
  • Compassion
  • Inherent dignity
  • Inclusion
  • Integrity
  • Being nimble

A Little Goes a Long Way

By giving to the Foundation, you can support a variety of valuable programs and services dedicated to health care, emergency services, education and healthy living in a single donation. Be a partner in your own health system.

Listings That Give Back: Foundation Home Real Estate Program

The Foundation Home Program is an innovative partnership with local real estate professionals in which a percentage of the commission from select property listings is donated to the Foundation to invest in local health and emergency services.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

The North Shore Health Care Foundation (NSHCF) strives to act inclusively in all that it does. The NSHCF recognizes the diversity of human differences, and values the inherent worth of all people. NSHCF does its work with compassion and inclusivity by creating healthy communities with partners and in the conduct of its business internally. The NSHCF recognizes that health and well-being are directly connected to honoring the truth and wholeness of each person. Toward that end it strives to respect and support diverse identities in the communities it serves. The NSHCF endeavors to be nimble and open to teachings from those communities so that it can serve as an ally and partner in creating greater equity and inclusion for all in Cook County. The NSHCF ask all partners and grantees to honor these values in our work together.